Biodiesel Assn for steps to promote biodiesel usage
The Biodiesel Association of India has called for immediate steps to be taken to promote usage of bio-fuels for Renewable Purchase Obligation (RPO) by captive power producers, including the hotel industry using DG sets.
It also called for streamlining marketing and distribution of bio-diesel in terms of availability, taxation and statutory regulations and putting in place a realistic pricing of bio-diesel for stationery engines (DG sets, agri-pumps and telecom towers).
“There is an immediate need to eradicate road-blocks and create policies such that this sector becomes self-sustaining and creates the desired future for the country,” the Association’s President, Sandeep Chaturvedi, said in a statement issued here.
The Association said that it will be holding a one-day seminar in Delhi on November 19 based on the theme ‘Biodiesel for Sustainable Rural Livelihood and Energy Security’.
India has the potential to become a world leader in the bio-fuels sector, not only ensuring employment to the rural population but also creating an alternative and clear form of energy for the masses, it said.